Fair Priced Pork Alliance

Partners working together to build a strong and vibrant Canadian hog industry

Working together for a strong and vibrant Canadian hog industry

Bringing together industry partners to share in and support the Canadian hog industry. Producers, genetics, veterinarians, feed, construction, transportation, marketing, finance, processing, retail and many more companies make up the hog industry. Ensuring that Canada has a resilient and profitable hog industry for all to preserve the certainty in the industry's economic challenges.

So why do we need an alliance?

Simply put, because of pork price spread

Since the 70's there has been an increased gap in the sharing of the value of pork sales with retailers earning the lion’s share.

This model is not sustainable and as a result, more producers and packers are shutting down operations. The number of smaller producers, including family farms and colonies, has also dwindled. Packers are not fairing much better with several Canadian owned plants shutting down in recent years.

a sculpture of a frog

The Goal is to protect a Canadian industry.

Some agriculture industries are protected in Canada.  You're probably aware of them; dairy, chicken, eggs, etc...  Pork is not one of them and is subject to the tides and whims of the global market.  Producers and processors take the brunt of this volatility in price and trade relations.

With industry partners uniting to build a strong industry and with consumers supporting this effort, it will ensure the industry is able to remain strong, expand and reinvest in Canada. This will keep jobs and food security in a time of global uncertainty.


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